About Saforama

Marcel van der Laan - Owner of Saforama

We get numerous questions about the origins of the name ‘Saforama’. Where does it come from and what does it mean? Here we would like to share our story of Saforama, the name and the company.


Saforama was founded in 2011 by Marcel van der Laan, after many years of working as a consultant with a number of different companies. With the underlying feeling of “it’s better to regret the things that you have done, than to regret that which you have not”, he submitted to his ambition of starting as a freelance consultant in Systems and Requirements Engineering.

Vision & mission

What is Requirements Engineering and why is it so important? For Marcel it was evident that Requirements Engineering is an essential, but often underestimated, element in the life-cycle of product development. The element where a shared understanding is created that drives the product development proces, to create a clear vision of what the expected outcome of the project. It will never be 100% clear at the beginning of a project and therefore we need to live with requirements changes and manage those changes throughout the course of the product’s life-cycle. If the clear vision is not created or maintained in thcourse of the project, chances are we’re creating the wrong product, or a product that stakeholders are not willing to accept, with all the financial consequences to go with it.

Saforama helps organisation with their product development project by aiding with the creation of that clear vision and the common understanding of the project deliverables. This can be done through defining or optimising requirements engineering processes, or by introducing the right technology to support those processes. The origanisation itself is trained and coached throughout.

The name “Saforama”

Saforama defined

When founding the company, finding a good name was no easy step. The wish was that the name would reflect the services that would be offered in the area of Systems and Requirements Engineering.

The name ‘Saforama’ is derived from two Greek words:

  1. ‘safís’ meaning clear, and
  2. ‘órama’ meaning vision.

Therefore: Saforama stands for creating a clear vision.